Our clinic is committed to excellence in providing you the best health care through naturopathic methods.
Our clinic is committed to excellence in providing you the best health care through naturopathic methods.
Our clinic is committed to excellence in providing you the best health care through naturopathic methods.
Our clinic is devoted to helping you through herbal means and getting you back on your feet.
Our clinic is devoted to helping you through herbal means and getting you back on your feet.
Our clinic is devoted to helping you through natural herbal remedies and getting you back on your feet.

Our goal at Eden Naturopathic is to get you back on your feet and feeling great. We are committed to helping you enjoy life through naturopathic methods.
Our goal at Eden Naturopathic is to get you back on your feet and feeling great. We are committed to helping you enjoy life through naturopathic methods.
Our goal at Eden Naturopathic is to get you back on your feet and feeling great. We are committed to helping you enjoy life through naturopathic methods.
Why Choose Eden Naturopathic
Our clinic is focused on providing the best naturopathic treatment specific to each patients needs. We offer a wide variety of services but not limited to:
Botanical Medicine
Active constituents of different botanical plants concentrated either in tinctures or as dry herbs used as teas to treat various conditions from allergies to high blood pressure and diabetes.
Nutrition Counseling
With the help of a proper balanced diet, specific bioactive natural substances present in various fruits, veggies or plants in natural or supplemental form are needed to restore the proper metabolic balance of the patient.
Lifestyle Counseling
Exercise, rest / sleep, and hygiene are an important part of our life and without the proper balance will cause us to become ill.
Naturopathic Manipulation
A technique used by Naturopathic Doctors to assess and treat various dysfunctions of your spine and/ or various joints in your body.
Homeopathic Medicine
The art of Homeopathic assessment and treatment of various medical conditions through the use of homeopathic remedies that aim to re-balance the vital force in the human body and bring it back into the great balance of nature.
Naturopathic Massage
Used with the purpose to relax the body, improve circulation, promote organ function, improve digestion and elimination and alleviate stress and chronic pain.

Environmental Naturopathic Detox Program
21st century has brought us thousands of chemical more the already overburdened air, soil and water of our planet, that is transmitted directly to our bodies with every breath we take, every bite of food we eat and every gulp of water we drink. At Eden Naturopathic Health Clinic your doctor will identify the chemicals causing your chronic condition and your genes that have become affected and will design an individualized treatment that will stimulate your body to eliminate safely, quickly and completely if possible all these poisons, and will help you regain your health to the fullest.
Naturopathic Cancer Care Program
Cancer is a complex disease that requires careful and thorough investigation and treatment. Your condition will be considered in the context of your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual needs and the treatment will target the metabolic disorder as well as your genetic predisposition through environmental detoxification protocol, a highly individualized diet, nutritional supplements, botanical extracts and homeopathic remedies to help you get back on your feet safely and completely as soon as possible.
Happy Genes Detox Program
Our genes are affected by our polluted food, air and water every day. The power of epigenetics has been proven over and over again. At Eden Naturopathic Health Clinic, we will harness this power to identify your affected genes and prescribe you the best dietary recommendation that along with supplements and botanical remedies will help your body clean itself, heal and thrive.
Principles of Naturopathic Medicine
I practice the art, science, and spirit of the profession to the best of my ability by following these principles:
First, do no harm—Primum non nocere Provide the most effective health care with the least risk.
Self-healing power of nature—Vis medicatrix naturae Recognize, respect, and promote the body’s inherent power to heal itself.
Treat the causes—Tolle causum Strive to diagnose and remove the causes of illness rather than eliminate or suppress symptoms.
Doctor as teacher—Docere Educate patients, inspire rational hope, and encourage self-responsibility for health.
Treat the whole person—Tolle totum Take into account all the influences on health for each person I treat.
Health promotion, the best prevention—Praevenire Promote health as a way to prevent disease for individuals, and local and global communities.
Meet the Doctor
Dr. Peter Boldi, ND
My Vision
I believe that every individual has the capacity to improve, heal and become a better, healthier self if given the opportunity and appropriate guidance. It is my vision and my goal to offer that opportunity and guidance to every patient I come in contact, to assist him or her in achieving their dreams of growing and thriving physically, mentally and emotionally and live a healthy, happy and fulfilling life.
My Mision
It is my highest mission to use my education, training, skills and talents, to assist you achieve your dreams and your goals in becoming a healthy, energetic, and happy individual and reach your highest potential in life. It will be my honor and privilege to guide you and assist you to reach your health targets and maintain them for the rest of your life. I am excited to begin this new journey with you!